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Overview We have developed a new easy to use SEPA Direct Debits system which will allow such organisations easily generate direct debit files for the new SEPA environment. This software operates on your own PC (or network) and allows you keep all your customer's bank account details sec...
SEPA Technical Details SEPA direct debit files are very different compared to the EFT files produced for existing direct debit files. The new XML format involves up to 40 lines of text for each debit transaction compared to 1 on existing EFT files. Each mandate will have a unique mandate reference...
The Software Business Software Solutions has a proven track record in Direct Debit Management systems and is ideally placed to lend this experience in building new solutions to manage and implement the SEPA and EU requirements. Business Software Solutions has worked with leading financial institut...
Integration SEPA Direct Debits Software can be integrated with other third party applications such as SAGE, TAS, etc. The effort involved in such integration and the mechanism varies from one application to another. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements if you require such inte...
Pricing & Licensing SEPA Direct Debits Software Annual Software Licence Implementation Charge Conversion Sample Documents Help Desk Support Remote Access Support Single User €299 Free Free Free Free F...
SEPA Credit Transfer System We provide an easy to use SEPA Credit Transfer system. This allows you maintain a database of suppliers or staff and credit funds to their account on a date of your chosing by uploading a file to your bank. You simply enter the amount beside the name ...
SEPA Credit Transfer File Converter Convert EMT Files into SEPA XML Compliant Files Since the implementation of SEPA in 2014 the banks in Ireland continued to accept the older .emt files for Credit Transfers and converted them to the SEPA format internally. ...
RevEx - Revenue ERR file creation From 1st January 2024 Revenue's Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR) requires employers to report details of certain expenses and benefits made to employees and directors. These submissions must be made on, or before, the payment date to the emplo...
The SEPA initiative by the EU commenced in 2002 with the aim of allowing seamless transaction flow between banks within the Single Euro Payments Area ... More
Our Direct Debits Software implementation team and customer pack will assist you with sample documentation and examples. We also have latest news, faqs and testimonials ... More
Contact Us directly to discuss any aspect of our SEPA Direct Debits Software or to arrange an online demonstration ... More